Pincode of Aspari S.O is 518347
Details of Post Office:- Aspari S.O, KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH;
Post Office Type:- Sub Post Office;
District:- KURNOOL;
State of the Pincode:- 518347 Belongs to:- ANDHRA PRADESH;
Pin Code:- 518347 (Some other Post Offices may be belongs to same Pin Code);
Contact Address:- Postmaster, Post Office Aspari S.O, Sub Post Office, Aspari S.O,Sub Post Office,518347,,KURNOOL,KURNOOL,ANDHRA PRADESH,KURNOOL,KURNOOL,ANDHRA PRADESH, KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India (IN), Pin Code:- 518347;
Telephone No.:-
Delivery Status:- Sub Post Office;
Postal Division:- KURNOOL;
Postal Region:- KURNOOL;
Postal Circle:- ANDHRA PRADESH;
In India a PIN code (Postal Index Number) like Aspari S.O is 518347 is a 6-digit code used by India Post to sort the post and parcels. The country’s postal service, to identify the delivery post office of a particular area or location like KURNOOL. The PIN code system 518347 was introduced first in India in 1972 to simplify and streamline the mail delivery process.
The first digit of the PIN code 518347 indicates the region like KURNOOL, the second digit indicates the sub-region like KURNOOL, and the third digit indicates the sorting district like KURNOOL within that region. The last three digits represent the specific post office within that sorting district.
For example, if the PIN code of a particular location is 518347, the first digit represents the region KURNOOL, the second digit represents the KURNOOL sub-region, and the third digit third represents the Aspari S.O sorting district. The last three digits indicate the Aspari S.O office within the KURNOOL sorting district.
ANDHRA PRADESH, like all other states in India, uses the PIN code system to identify the delivery post office of a particular area like Aspari S.O or location like Aspari S.O,Sub Post Office,518347,,KURNOOL,KURNOOL,ANDHRA PRADESH,KURNOOL,KURNOOL,ANDHRA PRADESH. Each district like KURNOOL and post office e.g. Aspari S.O in ANDHRA PRADESH has a unique PIN code assigned to it, just like any other state in India.
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Disclaimer : This website is based on India post PIN code database and PIN Identification is a set of keys to determine India Post Indexing system. We are not liable for the accuracy or misinformation but this information is for general purpose uses.